Narsary | Urban Green Spaces & Gardens
Created: 16 अक्तूबर 2024 | Edited: 16 अक्तूबर 2024
Summary: Ghar aur bageecha - Green Oxygen - Narsary website summary
Narsary is a website to promote best practice in green Indian homes and bageecha.
Nursary India mission is to promote green oxygen in Indian homes and bring news, plants, planters, soil mixes to promote garden and bageecha culture in Indian homes.
We are pleased to announce the launch of Narsary website.
Narsary website is an attempt to weave stories, language and culture around gardening in city of Kanpur and nearby areas and districts.
It is conceived as an open, transparent and collaborative attempt to write down Kanpur green practices, down the ages, and its interesting culture.
Indian urban landscapes are an intermesh of conflicting pulls and pressures.
Large tracts of living spaces are difficult to live in due to high levels of particulate matter in breathing air as also unsustainable sound levels.
We hope to collate factual and actionable information regarding urban landscapes in India.
Hara Ghar Hara Bageecha !
Narsary India - Kanpur MicroClimate
Category: Narsary, About Narsary website
Tags: Narsary, Bageecha, Kanpur, India